Nicklas Bendtner may continue as a Rosenborg player even though he was sentenced on Friday to a 50-day jail term for violence against a taxi driver.
“Of course, it’s a serious matter and an unfortunate case for both Rosenborg and Nicklas Bendtner” said RBK’s daily leader,Tove Moe Dyrhaug to TV 2, rejecting that he risked being fired.
“No, he is Rosenborg player and continues as a football player for Rosenborg,” she said.
The verdict is not yet enforceable as Bendtner appealed on the spot.Dyrhaug told TV 2 that Bendtner may continue in the club even if the verdict holds.
While Bendtner plays for Rosenborg, he must take a break from Denmark’s national team until the sentence is completed. However,he may be signed again said national team chief, Åge Hareide, on Friday.
Take care of the player
Tove Moe Dyrhaug emphasised that Rosenborg looks seriously at the infraction.
“The football players in Rosenborg are examples and therefore this is an unfortunate thing. We would stand beside him, and we take it seriously. In addition, we will try to take this up with Nicklas’’ she said.
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