1 out of 4 have changed travel plans due to ‘terror’

Oslo Airport Health Insurance travel packageBoarding card. Photo Norway Today Media

25% of the population have caused terrorism to affect travel volumes in the past year, according to a survey carried out by the National Institute of Consumer Research (SIFO) for the travel agency Ticket.


The figure has decreased since last year, though still shows that ‘terrorism’ is the factor that has most largely affected the travel plans of those asked in the past year.

25% said that terrorist acts or terrorist threats have influenced travel. The figure is down from 33% in a corresponding survey last year.

8% of respondents said that a political situation had had an impact, while 7% said that their refugee situation had been responsible.

Almost half (46%) said that no events in the world had affected their travel plans in the past year.

Longing for sun and heat

The survey also charted whether people planned to travel abroad for winter and, if so, why.

54% had planned a private trip abroad this winter, and not surprisingly, 38% of them respond with the fact that they will be ‘getting more sun and heat’.

The respondents had the opportunity to provide more answers to the questions, and among the other popular reasons for travel were ‘to get quality time with my partner’ (25%), ‘to experience another culture/adventure’ (23%), ‘to get a reboot of energy in the middle of winter’ (21%), and ‘to get quality time with the family’ (13 %).

Escape from ‘boring everyday life’

More women than men said that they are travelling for quality time with the family. 18% of women responded that this is the reason they are planning a trip abroad this winter, while only 8% of men gave this response.

10% of respondents said they’d travel abroad ‘to get away from the boring everyday life’.

In total, 1,026 people aged between 18 and 79 answered the survey. It will be published together with the travel agency, Ticket’s own statistics on bookings for the winter, which show that Spain is the most popular destination, followed by Thailand and the United Kingdom.

The number of trips to the UK are up 76% from the same period last year, despite several terrorist attacks in the past year.


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