Tryg Forsikring asked drivers to observe rules for driving in Europe.
Insurance and International Driving Licences are some of the rules drivers need to take care of.
Among other things, you must have a so-called green card, proof that you have liability insurance. If you do not have this, you may risk being stopped at the border.
There are currently only 10 countries that require green cards in the car.Essentially, there is talk of countries in Eastern Europe, but also countries further south, such as Turkey and Macedonia.
“The reason behind this is that it will be easier to prove that you have insurance for the car if you get involved in a traffic accident. But you may want to have it in your car wherever you go abroad,” said Torbjørn Brandeggen, Communications Adviser at Tryg Forsikring.
The entire list of countries where you need green cards is as follows: Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and Moldova.
‘’If you are driving to one of these countries without a green card, you risk beingstopped.As a rule, you have to buy your own expensive insurance on the border to be let in,’’ said Brandeggen.
If you are going to the United States, which has become a popular travel destination for a car holiday, the insurance company recommends that you have an international driving licence. International driving licences are also mandatory in some countries in Europe. Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, and Bulgaria all require all international driving licences.
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