Wants to catch the serpent in the Seljord Lake in the act

Mayor Seljord Lake Sea SerpentMayor in Seljord, Halfdan Haugan (Labour), Photo: visittelemark.no

Wants to catch the serpent in the Seljord Lake in flagranti

Mayor in Seljord, Halfdan Haugan (Labour), wants once and for all prove that there is actually a large being in the Seljord Lake (Seljordsvatnet). Now he wants to catch the sea serpent – on film.


– It’s time to prove what everyone in Seljord knows: There’s something out there, explains an engaged Haugan,

– There are too many observations of the sea serpent in Seljordsvatnet that we can reject the idea that there is something there. Therefore, I want to look at the possibilities that exist for catching the sea serpent on film.

The sensational initiative comes after several expeditions throughout history have attempted to prove the existence of the serpent, without success.

The sea serpent in the Seljord Lake is observed in summer time

Since the first recorded observation was recorded in 1750, most alleged observations of the sea serpent, which have recently been named Selma, have been made in the summer.

Mayor Haugan believes this fits well with the idea that there is a larger animal that comes up only when the weather is mild.

– The sea serpent and I are obviously alike in that area – we prefer the hot weather. Therefore, we will probably also have the greatest chances of succeeding in proving that it exists if we are able to find a solution for monitoring the lake in the summer.

The idea from reality show participant ”Farmen-Stine”

Basically, the idea of monitoring the Seljord Lake has come up several times, and there are many who have proposed to film parts of the lake.

But the idea resurfaced in connection with the campaign Stine Hartmann, known from the latest season of “The Farm” on TV2, makes for Visit Telemark in social media this week. Hartmann is currently traveling around the county on behalf of Visit Telemark.

– I totally agree with Stine that we have to get to the bottom of a mystery we have lived with for so many years. I’m convinced that we will succeed, says Haugan who has not yet envisioned exactly how this can be implemented.

– The Data Inspectorate has previously objected to such monitoring, and we must make sure everything is correct. Whether sea serpents have rights protected under this legislation, I am uncertain, but Selma is one of us so we will treat her with the respect she deserves!

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