The Civil Aviation Authority requested that municipalities draw up several signs to prevent tourists’ drunken use leading to serious incidents.
By 2017, there were over 50 complaints about illegal flights of drones, in five of the cases, the police gave out fines or seized the equipment, wrote NRK news.
“In the case of an accident, the drone owner is in danger of receiving millions in fines, or imprisonment,” said the communications officer at the Civil Aviation Authority, Frank Gøran Nordheim.
Very many tourists bring drones on a trip, without knowledge of laws and regulations, which can cause problems. Last year, a Chinese tourist was found to have interfered with air traffic at Tromsø airport.
The air force reported to NRK that they have now translated a poster with the five most important rules for using drones in English, German, Spanish,French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese.
The drones can weigh several kilograms, and cause serious accidents if something should happen.
“One might imagine getting hit in the head by such a drone” Nordheim said.
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