Tourism operators in several places in the country report an “all time high” of tourists.
According to the Norwegian Hospitality Association, it is going towards a new record this summer – for the third consecutive year.
Newspaper Aftenposten spoke to tourist offices in several locations in Norway, and all report good numbers. Statistics for the summer is not yet available, but so far, figures from Statistics Norway show that the number of foreign overnight stays in hotels, cabin and camping increased by 8 percent in the period from January to May compared with the same period last year.
– Feedback from large parts of the country is that we are moving towards a record summer for the third year in a row. It is very encouraging, says communications director Merete Habberstad in Norwegian Hospitality Association.
2015 was a record year for foreign tourism in Norway, and the number of commercial guest nights for this group increased by 8 percent from the previous year. The tourists who come, let in more money than previously.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today