Seven out of ten prefer local food on holiday in Norway
According to a new Matmark survey, seven out of ten Norwegians believe it’s important to eat local food when on holiday in Norway.
People were also asked how easy they believe it is to locate the local food.
‘Only 29% of us think local food is easy to find, so then we have a way to go to satisfy the local food hungry tourist,’ said Nina Sundqvist, CEO of Matmerk.
The foundation is working to strengthen the reputation of Norwegian food products among Norwegian consumers.
In the survey, 17% responded that it’s ‘very important’ for them to eat local food when on holiday in Norway. 51% responded that it’s ‘quite important’.
22% don’t believe that it ‘s important, while 8% responded that they have no opinion on the matter. 2% said that they never go on holiday in Norway.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today