Famous authors, activists and Nobel Prize winners call for an end to Ukraine war

Photo: Claudio Bresciani / TT via AP

Over 1000 authors, freedom of speech activists, and several Nobel laureates have signed a joint appeal urging an end to the war in Ukraine.

Initiated by PEN, decries invasion of Ukraine

A huge list of famous authors, freedom of speech and freedom of expression activists, and several prominent Nobel Prize laureates have all signed an appeal for the cessation of the Ukraine war. The appeal was organized by PEN, an international author’s association. In the appeal, the signatories decry the decision by Russian President Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine last week triggering the worst crisis Europe has seen for generations.

Among the signatories are Nobel Literature laureate Salman Rushdie, joint Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa, authors Margaret Atwood, Siri Hustvedt, and the chairman of the Norwegian arm of PEN, Kjersti Løken Stavrum.

Stand united with Ukrainian people

The signatories write that they “stand united in condemning a senseless war, started by President Putin as a result of his refusal to accept the Ukrainian people’s right to discuss their future relations and history without Moscow’s intervention.”

Words of support are also offered to the Ukrainian people, especially those in cultural or academic circles. The appeal states that all of the signatories “stand together in support of writers, journalists, artists, and the entire people of Ukraine, who are going through their darkest hours. We stand by their side and feel their pain.”

The appeal is written in English, Ukrainian, Russian and Arabic and many of these world-famous authors hope that the pen will be mightier than the sword.

Source : © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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1 Comment on "Famous authors, activists and Nobel Prize winners call for an end to Ukraine war"

  1. From the 2021 and various other Nobel Peace Prizes, the Nobel Peace and some of the other Committees seems to be just a Western/neocon propaganda front with less than zero credibility.
    The 2021 awards were to an anti-Kremlin journalist and Filipina journalist Maria Ressa who then turned right around and stabbed Western war crimes and corruption investigative journalist and whistleblower Julian Assange in the back.
    This will only alienate – and enrage – the Kremlin further and thus escalate the war – something a “peace committee” was/is never supposed to do.

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