Invaluable objects destroyed by burglar at Fjære church in Grimstad, Norway

Fjære church in Grimstad. NTB archive photo: Jens Kvale / SCANPIX

Invaluable objects from the 13th century were damaged when a burglar did serious damage to Fjære church in Grimstad. The church will now be closed for the foreseeable future.

“Extensive damage to inventory has been done, but we do not have a full overview yet. The police have cordoned off the area, and forensic technicians are working on the site,” guard Alexander Paul said in a press release from the Grimstad Church Council.

The burglary took place sometime between 9 PM on Thursday, October 28 and Friday, October 29 at 10 AM. “We have been informed by the church trustee that damage has been done to invaluable objects,” task leader Bernt Byklum Bjerke said to Agderposten.

The objects in question date as far back as the 13th century.

“This is a medieval church that the locals are very fond of. We are in shock that someone would do something like that, and hope that those who are behind the crime will come forward. Forensic scientists have secured evidence that we believe can be linked to the perpetrator or perpetrators,” said Paul.

Later that same evening, a man was charged with the offence. He is charged with burglary and grievous bodily harm and has since admitted criminal guilt, according to VG.

There was no damage to the church itself. Fjære church dates to 1150 AD and is one of Norway’s oldest stone churches.

Source: ©️ NTB Scanpix / #NorwayTodayTravel

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