The Labor Party, the Center Party, and the Socialist Left Party want to make it more difficult to start private schools

Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB

The Labor Party (AP), the Center Party (SP), and the Socialist Left Party want to tighten the rules in the Private Schools Act. 

Even though Norway will soon have a minority government consisting of the AP and the SP, there is a solid majority to change the Private Schools Act, which was allowed to flourish under Erna Solberg’s Conservative government, the newspaper Aftenposten (H) writes.

According to the newspaper, the AP, the SP, the SV, and the Red Party want to change the current legislation, while the MDG does not want to change the law. 

“A new government must give prioritize quickly putting in place new regulations,” school policy spokesman Torstein Tvedt Solberg in the AP said.

The legislation for starting up private schools in Norway was softened by the Conservatives (H), the Liberal Party (V), the Christian Democrats (KRF), and the Progress Party (FRP) in 2015. 

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayEducation

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