Three times as many students in vocational studies state that they are being bullied at school, compared to pupils attending specialised studies, shows a recent report from Hordaland County.
– I think that’s really serious, says Mari Kristine Moberg, bully ombudsman in Oslo to NRK news.
The report stated 3.27 percent of vocational students have stated that they are being bullied. 1.1 percent in general studies stated the same.
Bullying among youngsters is mostly about exclusion, someone being ridiculed or someone spreading lies. Physical violence is less common.
Boys are more affected than girls. Last fall there were twice as many boys as girls who reported that they were bullied.
– There is a prevailing belief that boys “sort things out right there and then”, but this is actually not true. This is a blind spot in the schools work against bullying, the report said.
– The times when there is a lot of bullying, is often about culture. For example, about how you present yourself and how we talk to each other.
In the cases I have treated, digital bullying is also part of it, says bullying ombudsman Moberg.
The total number of students who say that they have become victims of bullying decreased slightly from 2014 to 2015, from 2.66 percent to 2.08 percent.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today