Over 500,000 Norwegians have voted in advance before this year’s municipal and county council elections. Never before have so many people voted one week before the local elections.
A total of 585,000 pre-voted before the local elections in 2015. It is therefore likely that the number will be passed before the deadline for advance voting expires, reports NRK.
The Minister of Local Government and Modernisation Monica Maeland (H) is positive about the right to vote in advance.
Some think it’s okay to get it out the way, while others think it’s ceremonious to do it on election day itself. Having flexibility is important if we are to maintain a high turnout and if we can manage to increase it in local elections, says Mæland.
It is possible to vote in advance for the municipal and county council elections until Friday 6th September.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today