Every fifth person receiving disability benefits is low educated

disabledDisabled.Photo: pixabay.com

One in ten people in Norway between the ages of 18 and 67 years old are disabled. People with low education are overrepresented.


Almost every fifth person – 19.4 percent – of those who had registered on disability benefits at the end of 2016, had only primary school education, shows new figures from Statistics Norway (SSB). The agency concludes that this group of low educated people is therefore “highly overrepresented among disabled people”.

“Some of the overrepresentation may be because people with impaired health may have difficulties in completing higher education, but it also clearly shows that education reduces the risk of impairment of employment with a health-related scheme such as disability benefits,” SSB writes in a message.

Among those with the highest education, 3.9 percent of those from 18 to 67 years were disabled in 2016, while 10.2 percent of those with higher education were the highest.

A total of 331,100 persons living in Norway were disabled in 2016. This corresponds of 10 percent between the ages of 18 and 67 years – 11.6 percent are women and 7.9 percent are men.

– Since disability insurance is a health-related performance, it is also natural that the proportion of disabilities increases with age, SSB writes.

Among persons aged 62-67, 30.1 percent were on disability insurance, the corresponding proportion among 55-61 year-olds was 19.8 percent. In the youngest age group, 18-24 years, 1.4 percent were invalidated.


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