New survey: Norwegians are working more during evenings, nights, and weekends than before

Desk workingPhoto: Scott Graham / Unsplash

More Norwegians are working inconvenient working hours now than six years ago, a new survey shows.

In 2015, 52% of Norwegian workers worked nights. That share has now risen to 58% in 2021, the working life survey from the Central Confederation of Trade Unions (YS) shows, according to FriFagbevegelse.

The proportion of those who work at night has increased from 16% in 2015 to over 18% in 2021. Previously, men worked the most inconvenient working hours, but in recent years the trend has reversed. 

According to YS, the women have largely caught up with the men and work more often during evenings and nights. When it comes to working on Saturdays, the increase is 4%, from 43 to 47%.

“The trend is disturbing. There are probably more workplaces that violate the very basic working conditions. We must not forget why we have a working environment law that regulates overtime, evening, and night work and working on the weekends,” YS leader Erik Kollerud told FriFagbevegelse.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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