Red ensures a Red-Green majority in an NRK poll
A poll indicates a Red-Green majority in the Norwegian Parliament if the elections were held now. Red (Rødt) lands above the barrier limit, while the Liberals (Venstre) and the Christian Democrats (KrF) end up below the crucial line.
Put together, Labour (Ap), Centre Party (Sp), Socialists (SV), Red and the Green Party (MDG) receive support from 50.8 per cent of those who are decided. That would secure 88 of the Norwegian Parliament’s 169 seats, according to the poll that Norstat has conducted on behalf of NRK.
This is for the third consecutive NRK poll that Red is above the barrier limit. With 4.4 per cent of the voters behind them, Red would be represented by 8 delegates in the Parliament, mainly from Oslo. This means that the party would tip the scales in the Parliament.
Labour’s Party Secretary, Kjersti Stenseng, comments to NRK:
– What we are focusing on right now is the local elections next year. We cooperate with Red in many municipalities and will continue to do so after the municipal elections. And then, in the Parliament, we can collaborate with Red from one case to the next. Regarding Government cooperation, we said last year that this is not the time to have Red as a part of the Government, says Stenseng.
The Progress Party with increased support
The Conservatives (Høyre) drop by 0.9 percentage points to 26.6 per cent, whereas the Progress Party (Frp) is gaining 1.2 percentage points and winds up with 13.9 per cent of the voters behind them. Both The Christian Democrats (KrF) and the Liberals (Venstre) join the Greens (MDG) below the 4 per cent barrier limit. In total, the Conservatives, Frp, the Liberals and KrF receive support from 46.9 per cent of the voters and thus 80 mandates in the Parliament, 5 seats shy of retaining the majority.
The Labour Party is still below par at 26.4 per cent, and the Socialists drop to 6 per cent.
But although this party barometer indicates a possible change of Government, Prime Minister Erna Solberg can be pleased that she still is much more popular than Jonas Støre. Asked who they prefer as Prime Minister, 52.9 per cent prefer Solberg and 30.6 per cent is in favour of the Labour Party candidate. 16,5 per cent abstain from choosing between them.
The error margin in Norstat’s poll is quite substantial, between 1.1 and 3.2 percentage points.
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