Cleaning up the cleaners

cleaning industry cleanersCleaning industry.Photo:

The Government proposes measures to prevent rogue actors in the cleaning industry and to improve working conditions among their employees.

For the workers in the industry to get the wages and working conditions they are entitled to, the Government proposes that businesses in the cleaning industry are to submit evidence that they have been approved every three years.

They also suggest that the Labour Inspectorate (Arbeidstilsynet) should be able to reject applications for approval, which is ‘set forth with the intent to circumvent the rules.’

– We will increase opportunities to engage controls by the Labour Inspectorate so that they are completely sure that the companies are abiding the law, Minister for Labour and Social Affairs, Anniken Hauglie, told NRK.

According to Labour Inspectorate it is illegal to buy cleaning services from businesses which are not listed in the register of approved cleaning businesses, or which has the status ‘not approved’.

– It must be possible to enforce and sanction. I’m open to suggestions for how we can better handle it. There is no doubt that there are too many private households buying services on the black market, Hauglie says.

According to a report from SINTEF and NTNU around 4,000 businesses never applied for approval and 90 percent of these companies are sole proprietorships. A FAFO survey also shows that nearly half of those who clean for private households are in the black market.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today

2 Comments on "Cleaning up the cleaners"

  1. O really? in fact, it is an alarming situation. People should always hire a registered cleaning firm for domestic or commercial cleaning services.

  2. Excellent article!! This is a fascinating and informative article.Thanks for sharing.

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