Cross-border trading on day trips abroad increased by 8.3% in the
past year.
“The politicians must now wake up” said the Norwegian grocery industry.
The figures are shown from the second quarter last year, up to and including the first quarter of this year. Norwegians traded for NOK 16.3 billion during this period. This is NOK 1.25 billion more than in the previous four-quarter period reported Statistics Norway (SSB).
Despite the fact that the border trade is increasing in NOK, the number of border shopping trips is stable.
8.6 million day trips were carried out, which is about the same as in the previous four-quarter period. The average trading amount per trip
increased from NOK 1,735 to NOK 1,889.
Now the politicians have to wake up’’ said Harald J. Andersen, director of Virke’s trade.
‘’It is only to congratulate the Swedes with another sales record for Norwegians.
Border trade grew four times as fast as Norwegian retail stores in 2018. Shopping abroad is a quiet protest from Norwegians mostly towards sky-high fee levels.
It is affecting both public health and Norwegian business. The government must urgently address the level of fees in order to gain control of public health policy and give the Norwegians trade fair conditions” stated Andersen.
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