Customer dissatisfaction with Norwegian trade is increasing

Skeidar.Photo: Berit Roald / NTB scanpix

Several traditional trading chains are in free fall according to this year’s edition of the Norwegian customer barometer. ‘’The warning lights are flashing’’, said leader, Pål Silseth.


The annual measurement of customer satisfaction, which includes 160 companies selling goods or services that mean a lot for people’s private economy, showed that customers are increasingly dissatisfied with developments.

Head of the Customer Barometer, Pål Silseth,believes the physical stores can be easily replaced by online retailers if they do not adapt.

‘’This may be a warning of a forthcoming crisis in commodity trading.Many of these stores are already exposed to margin pressures, and Norwegians like online shopping’’, said Silseth to Dagens Næringsliv newspaper.

Volvo tops the barometer with 84.6 points out of 100. The biggest fall is the Skeidar, which accounted for a decline of 7.1 points to 61.2 points. Below 60 points, at the bottom of the list, were Joker and Bunnpris.

According to the newspaper, it has often been possible to predict which companies will stagnate based on the customer barometer.

“Everyone who is below 60 points over time starts fighting for life”,said Silseth.


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