Every fourth online advertisement is computerised and targeted automatically

online, hand writingOnline.Photo: Pixabay

So-called ‘programmatic ads’, which are automatically converted, and targeted, based on information about readers, make up a quarter of Norwegian web ads.

Last year, programmatic ads were sold to a value of 700 million in Norway, while traditional online advertising sales totalled 2.1 billion, wrote Klassekampen newspaper, referring to figures from the Swedish Institute for Advertising and Media Statistics (IRM).

The media agency saw the same trend. In their calculations, programmatic ads constituted 24% of online sales.

‘The great advantage of programmatic advertising is that it can be targeted directly to a target audience,’ said Victoria Schultz, Executive Vice President for Sales and Marketing in ‘Amedia’.

‘It is a very effective and important advertising channel for our advertisers, and I think we will continue to see an increase in the proportion of funds used on this,’ said CEO, Maria Aas-Eng, of the media agency, Red Media Consulting.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today