The number of passes through the toll stations in Oslo and Bærum decreased by 3.1% in August, but the morning traffic is increasing, says Fjellinjen.
The total number of passes registered at all toll stations was 33.1 million in August 2020, which is a decrease of 3.1% compared to the same month last year. The figures have been adjusted for several weekends in August this year, reports Fjellinjen.
The figures show that traffic is more evenly spread around the clock than in previous years, a trend that has slowed down towards the end of August. Traffic in the morning hours between 6am and 9am was 9.1% lower in August this year than in August last year. In the last week, morning traffic was 6.6% lower than in August last year.
“It’s probably a combination of many who still have a home office, while many people avoid taking public transport during rush hours and instead take the car or travel later,” says traffic analyst Stian Strøm Arnesen in Fjellinjen.
The proportion of electric cars has been lower than expected during the corona period, but in August we have a proportion of electric cars of 23.9%, which is the highest proportion of electric cars so far this year. In August last year, the percentage of electric cars was 20.5%.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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