Anti-Racist Center and leader Rune Berglund Steen will gather organizations and parties on the left for peaceful demonstrations against Sian.
In an interview with Klassekampen, he will not directly criticize the anonymous network Oslo against racism, which organized the demonstration against Stop the Islamization of Norway (Sian) in front of Parliament this weekend.
Steen believes instead that he and others should have taken the initiative earlier.
– “We have been negligent,” he admits.
The head of the Anti-Racist Center wants large but controlled demonstrations.
– “We must do everything we can to prevent it from degenerating into violence,” says Rune Berglund Steen.
The center has taken the initiative for a meeting next Wednesday where parties and organizations are invited to discuss a way forward, Klassekampen writes.
29 protesters were arrested in connection with the counter-marking against Sian’s “violation party”. Among other things, the Sian profile Fanny Bråten was attacked after she tore up and spat on pages from the Koran.
The police task force leader Torgeir Brenden informed TV 2 that the police saw themselves forced to interrupt the demonstration due to danger to life and health.
– “There was relatively large amount of stones, iron bars and other dangerous objects thrown at the police, and also due to the danger of escalating the situation further, we then chose to end the demontration,” said the task leader.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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