Eight onshore facilities for Norwegian oil and gas does not have the same protection against terror as platforms out at sea, shows an analysis by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI).
Norwegian gas comes ashore in Britain protected by armed guards.
In Norway, the plants are only protected by contracted civilian guards with limited powers, writes VG.
The plants on land are not protected according to the safety legal regulations known as ‘protection worthy objects.’
They are not part of our offshore readyness with police and defense excercises.
“A well-planned attack can be carried out before any law enforcement has been able to mobilize sufficient resources,” writes the FFI in its analysis, and says further that “attacks on land installations can also have serious consequences and lead to stoppages of supply of gas.”
Research has focused on eight major facilities along the coast from Slagentangen in Vestfold to Hammerfest.
Head of Communication Ole Berthelsen at the Oil and Energy department writes in VG that they have not found a reason to designate “shielding worthy objects Security Act to that sector.”
Statoil said the company cooperates well with the authorities in their security work, and that security measures at their facilities have been substantially upgraded in recent years.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today