Thursday morning there may be a train driver strike and problems for trains in Oslo and Akershus. Trains will not be replaced by bus services.
The mediation between LO Stat and Range starts Wednesday. If parties do not reach an agreement before midnight, there could be a strike in Oslo and Akershus on Thursday morning.
Of the total of 71 the train drivers the stoppage of work would have 58 drivers in Oslo, Ski and Lillestrom not operating trains. A strike could therefore have serious consequences for travelers in these areas.
No replacement buses
There are local trains in the Oslo and Akershus that will primarily be affected by the strike. Stretches like Ski – Skøyen – Stabekk and Lillestrom – Spikkestad will be hardest hit.
– Since this is a legally notified strike we warning of this in the normal way. The strike will mean that there will be trains canceled and not replaced by buses, says communication Håkon Myhre to news agency NTB.
Myhre says that the travel arrangements and NSB app for mobile and tablet will get the latest information on departures.
– It is quite clear that the problems can not be avoided if there is a strike, he emphasized.
Also train drivers in Bergen, Kristiansand and Trondheim are affected by the strike, but only one train driver in each area, which does not give the same consequences as in eastern Norway.
Great strike hazard
– We always believe in finding solutions, but we have large complicated questions with us coming into mediation. Strikes danger is therefore great, says Øystein Gudbrands, LO Stats negotiator in mediation.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today