KNM «Helge Ingstad» will not be repaired

KNM Helge Ingstad wreck dry dockThe wreck of the frigate KNM Helge Ingstad in a dry dock. The warship will most likely never sail again. Foto: Emil Wenaas Larsen/Forsvaret

Repair of KNM «Helge Ingstad» too expensive

The operational capacity at sea has been weakened in the aftermath of the loss of KNM «Helge Ingstad». The Norwegian government now propose to replace, rather than repair it. This appears in a press release from the Norwegian Authorities.

“The Government has now decided that it is more appropriate to dispose of KNM «Helge Ingstad» than to repair it,” Norwegian Minister of Defence, Frank Bakke-Jensen (Conservatives), states.

A condition report from Defence Materials shows that it will cost NOK 12-14 billion to repair the vessel. By comparison, it will cost NOK 11-13 billion to build a similar vessel. There is also much uncertainty with regards to the repair of the vessel.

The operational capability will be replaced

“The capsizing of KNM «Helge Ingstad» has significant consequences for the defence of Norway. We have a large ocean area and a long coastline. Adequate control of the sea is absolutely essential to the defence of Norway. Therefore, we have been clear all along that the capacity represented by KNM «Helge Ingstad» must be re-established. I will ask the Chief of Defence about specialist military advice on how that operational capacity can be replaced,” the Minister of Defence concludes.

The Norwegian Armed Forces have already implemented measures to maintain the operational capability in the short term, inter alia by having double crews on the operating frigates, as well as on KNM «Maud».


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Status report for KNM «Helge Ingstad»

The status report has been prepared on behalf of the Ministry of Defence. Several external parties have contributed professionally to Defence Materials. Defence Materials has assessed the extent of damage, costs of repair, assessment of the time it will take to repair the vessel and costs of decommissioning. The most important findings of the report are:

  • The damage to KNM «Helge Ingstad» is considered to be approximately total. It is very extensive and expensive work, but technically possible to repair the vessel.
  • A repair will amount to NOK 12-14 billion and take more than five years.
  • Construction of a vessel, similar to KNM «Helge Ingstad», is estimated at NOK 11-13 billion, with an implementation time of just over five years.
  • Technical, economical and temporal risk is lower for a replacement compared with repairing the vessel.
  • A possible decommissioning of the vessel is estimated to cost NOK 50-100 million. This is the net cost when the sales value of metals and other recoverable materials is deducted.
  • Some parts may be reused after review and repair, but will not significantly reduce repair costs. The parts are considered most relevant as spare parts for the remaining frigates.
  • The value of the parts is estimated at NOK 100-400 million, subject to necessary inspections and repairs.

Further read: Status report for Helge Ingstad (pdf)

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