HELP WANTED: 50k Workers needed in Norway

NAV,NAV logo. Photo Norway Today Media

The Norwegian Labor Welfare Administration’s (NAV) latest labor survey reveals Norwegian companies offering almost 50,000 job positions; and that there’s not enough applicants seeking work within particular industries.


44,400 total employee positions are empty throughout Norway; a 30% shortage increase compared against 2017’s labor statistics.

Norway’s nursing & health-care industry seeks almost 5,000 professionals to service national patient care. The Norwegian Nursing Association demanded action after last year’s survey, with federal leader Eli Gunhild saying; “This is serious for patients, and now government needs to come to grips with that scenario.”

Yet, despite health-care & nursing industry efforts, vacant job positions have increased over 2017’s 3,600 empty health-care jobs.

Other hard-to-find workers are carpenters; either skilled or unskilled and with or without license, and other sought-after employees are Information technicians (IT) people within a wide variety of information industries across Norway.

Norway’s 30% increase in labor shortages affects all counties except Hordaland.

Adjusted for population ratios, Oslo suffers the highest in needing able workers, with Oslo industry offering 8,500 positions without success.

Nordland, Akershus and Finnmark industries have all surveyed as suffering major set-backs in trying to fill recruitment quotas over the past 90 days.

The labor force survey also reflect that the number of employed people working full time increased by 42,000 souls, from 1st quarter, 2017 to 1st quarter, 2018.

Statistics Norway posts Norway’s unemployment rate at 3.9%


© NTB scanpix / #Norway Today

6 Comments on "HELP WANTED: 50k Workers needed in Norway"

  1. Anshuman Mukherjee | 4. May 2018 at 07:04 |

    I am in. Please give me a job. Right now I am in India.

  2. Peter V.A | 4. May 2018 at 07:42 |

    I am working as a Station Superindent for the railways in India,do I have a chance of getting a job in Norway?

  3. This is BS… I’m norwegian and can’t get a job because of indians stealing them. Stay at home FFS

  4. jally joy de guzman | 12. May 2018 at 04:26 |


  5. SYED SAMAR AKHTAR | 23. November 2018 at 11:24 |

    Assalam o alaikum
    I’m Msc Chemistry 12 years exp in the field of food & Beverages . Pakistan

  6. Absolute bs…. there is indeed need for workers, but getting the job is impossible. Try applying online first before deciding to move, there you would get a feel of the real scenario. Masters degree and experience are often not even enough. If there is a real need, then the government must help those who want to work.

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