Homes in Bærum sold for an average of 7.2 million last year

House for sale.Photo: Jarl Fr. Erichsen / SCANPIX

Home buyers in Bærum had to fork out an average of 7.2 million kroner in 2019. The average dwelling on Snarøya cost almost 12 million kroner.

According to daily local newspaper Budstikka, there is a clear distinction between housing prices in the east and west. It is more expensive in coastal areas of Bærum in Viken county. The average price of 7.2 million is nevertheless very high, considering that there are many apartments, townhouses and smaller homes available in the market.

In recent years, realtors have noticed property prices increasing, especially houses close to public hubs compared to those further away from train and subway stations. In general, the areas closer to Oslo are more attractive.

The cheapest, but still not as cheap, homes are sold on Rud in Østre Bærum, where the average price last year was just over 4 million kroner. The price was 4.9 million kroner for the average dwelling on Rykkinn, while at Bærum’s Verk and Vøyenenga one had to pay an average of around 5 million.

Prices in Asker municipality were also very high in 2019, on average the homes sold for just over 6.4 million kroner.

“The price difference between two similar homes in Asker and Bærum is about 1 million kroner,” confirmed Petter Mamen-Lund, manager of the real estate company Eie in Asker.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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