International Energy Agency believes renewable energy will grow more quickly

Wind powerWind power.Photo:

Renewable energy will account for 28 percent of global electricity production in 2021, believes the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The agency stated on Tuesday that it had raised forecasts for the world’s use of renewable energy, with estimated growth towards 2021 increased by 13 percent.

The main cause is stronger political commitment to renewable energy in the United States, China, India and Mexico.

2015 may be described as a turning point for solar, wind and other forms of green energy.

Renewable energy sources accounted for over half of all new capacity installed in the past year.

On average, half a million solar panels were installed in the world every single day. Two new wind turbines were built every hour.

Renewable energy is considered a very important measure in limiting emissions of CO2. IEA has often been criticized for operating with estimates too low for growth in the use of renewable energy.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today