Labour Minister announces measures against child poverty

Anniken Hauglie ( Conservative Party ).Photo Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Labour and Social Affairs Minister Anniken Hauglie presented a number of measures to eliminate poverty in Norway, among other things, she wants more immigrants to be employed.

On Tuesday, Statistics Norway (SSB) presented figures showing that nearly 100,000 children are growing up in constant poverty in Norway. Immigrant children constitute more than half of all children in the low-income group, writes Nettavisen.

– The latest figures from SSB confirm that immigrants are overrepresented in the poverty statistics. Poverty and major differences are serious, says Hauglie to Nettavisen.

The Labour Minister believes working, coupled with more Norwegian language courses, more affordable day care, activity duty for young people and increased access to temporary employment, will be among the solutions. Overall, she has presented 22 measures.

If we are going to do something about inequality in Norway and prevent poverty from being passed onto the next generation, we need more immigrants to have a job.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today