Several banks in the country are reporting an increase in the number of mortgage customers who want fixed interest rates.
Storebrand, KLP, Danske Bank, Nordea and DNB have all adjusted their interest rates on new fixed-rate loans, writes Finansavisen.
Storebrand has cut fixed interest rates twice in August, as has KLP Bank.
Historically, 3–4 % of our loan applications have been applications for fixed-rate loans, the last few days we have been 35–40 %, says bank and retail market manager Caroline Johansen of Storebrand to Finansavisen.
In KLP, too, they have noticed an increase in the number of people who want to fix interest rates. In August, 12.5 % of customers who took out new loans chose fixed interest rates. In the first quarter, the share was 3 %.
DNB and Danske Bank have the same experience.
In line with the fact that Øystein Olsen & Co started to set the policy rate this year, we have noticed a marked increase in interest in mortgages with fixed interest rates with our customers. Nevertheless, the actual slide from variable to fixed has not moved much in the last couple of months, says press officer Øystein André Schmidt to Finansavisen.
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