Norway has to import grain from Kazakhstan after the drought season


In order to have enough flour for, for example, Christmas baking, Norway must import grain from Poland and Kazakhstan after the extremely dry summer, this year.


NRK has been in contact with several mills in southern Norway. Most mills have only received one third of the amount of grain they are used to receiving.

Due to the dry summer, Norwegian grains are too small and too little. Thus, we will have to import about 70 percent of the grain used for flour in Norway, according to the channel.

“We are lucky in Norway, those who have purchasing power, because we always buy grains. There is enough grain on the world market,” says procurement manager Roar Bjørkeli in Norway’s mills.

We usually import from Sweden and Denmark. However, the countries we deal most with have had the same climate challenges as us.

“We will buy part from Poland, but we must also go as far away to Kazakhstan to get more,” says Bjørkeli. He assures that expanded control of grain from Kazakhstan will be carried out.


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