Norway can reduce greenhouse gas emissions from domestic shipping by 40 percent, according to a new report.
Today shipping in Norway emits 3.4 billion tons of CO2 per year.
These emissions can be reduced by up to 40 percent by 2040 if the shipping industry adopts new technology and switch to alternative fuels in a sufficent degree, says a report DNV GL has prepared on behalf of Climate and Environment Ministry.
The solution is including biofuels on cargo ships and fishing vessels, electric passenger ships and ferries and offshore vessels engaged in LNG.
The report also concludes that the measures will be economically viable when seen as a whole. Many measures are also profitable when viewed in isolation.
Will be no new measures introduced, the calculations show, however, that emissions from shipping in Norway, at worst, may increase by over 50 percent from current levels until 2040.
The Climate and Environment Minister Vidar Helgesen says the government prioritizes environmentally friendly shipping.
– The new report indicates that shipping in Norwegian waters can reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly. This is a good scientific basis for an ambitious climate policy. We will bring the report with us in our efforts to facilitate concrete actions, he said.
Source: NTb scanpix / Norway Today