Since the New Year, Norway has exported 4% of its total power production to England

ElectricityPhoto: Heiko Junge / NTB

Since the New Year, 4.1% of the total Norwegian power production has been exported to England. 

Due to higher prices in England than in Southern Norway, the underwater cable North Sea Link (NSL) has mostly sent power from Southern Norway in the direction of England, Europower writes.

Since the New Year, however, there have been seven full days where there have been net imports from England to Norway. Of these seven days, five were public holidays. 

During the Easter week, net imports from England were 2.32 GWh, as the price there was lower than in Southern Norway, according to figures from Nord Pool.

Net exports have been over 2 TWh since the New Year. Thus, Norway has exported 4.1% of its total power production to England.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayFinance

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