Soon, you will be able to Vippse money in online stores

VipsViips.Photo: Norway Today Media

Mobile payment service Vipps has si  signed an agreement with the payment solution Nets. This will make  it possible to pay with Vips in many online stores.

Under the agreement Netaxept, a payment solution from Nets for safe online shopping, make your Vipps available as a payment method.

– Our ambition is that Vipps will be an adequate payment option for anyone shopping online, and not least for the many large and small online stores.

That’s why  it has been important for us to establish a partnership that includes Vipps in Netaxept solution from Nets, said Vipps CEO Rune Garborg.

The plan is that Vipps will gradually be available to online retailers who wish to use the payment solution via Netaxept.

The advantage for users is that they don’t need to  enter the card number, expiration date and security code when purchasing online. The only thing you must do is enter the mobile number and approve the purchase.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today