Crown Prince Haakon believes there must be progress in measures for the situation in the sea, and that the issues of sustainable marine management are important for Norway.
On Thursday he attended the International Ocean Conference: Our Ocean in Oslo, which brings together 500 leaders and researchers from all over the world.
The Crown Prince points out that the sea is an important part of Norwegian history and identity, and that the questions raised at the conference are important for Norway.
– “It is clear that we can do something. This is an area that Norway is focusing on and thinks is important,” he tells NTB.
“But it is clear that things are going too slowly. We can’t quite follow up on a worldwide basis so we get the seas back into balance. Three things are especially important: Do not overfish, make sure that there is not too much rubbish and pollution in the seas, and climate change solutions that does not go in the right direction and inadvertently affects the seas.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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