A total of 97.6% of the materials consumed in Norway each year are not reintroduced into the economy shows a fresh analysis.
The rapports showing that the Norwegian economy is only 2.4% circular is titled “Circularity Gap Report Norway”. It has been conducted by Skift, Virke and Circular Norway, and has been aided by among others the Naturvernforbundet (Friends of the Earth Norway), Forbrukerrådet (Norwegian Consumer Council), Avfall Norge and Schibsted.
The analyses paints a picture of how both renewable and non-renewable resources are consumed in Norway. The global circularity is measured to 8.6% according to the rapport.
“In order to transition to a circular economy, we need to look at the entire economy, here the consumer and service industries are decisive,” says administrative director Ivar Horneland Kristensen of Virke.
According to the rapport Norway has the highest consumption per person in the world, with 44.3 tons per person. The analyses investigate different scenarios within different industries that can contribute to a more sustainable and circular economy. This entails among other things a clear reparation-, reuse- and recycling-economy, circular food systems and a circular construction industry.
“The results in this rapport show that our economy is built on linear principles and that we have a large potential for improvement, says administrative director Bjørn K. Haugland of Skift, a membership organization for climate leaders in business.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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