The insurance company Tryg expects to pay out NOK 130 million in compensation after the landslide in Gjerdrum that took place this Christmas.
Last week, the insurance company Gjensidige reported natural damage compensation of NOK 180.4 million after the landslide at Ask on the night of December 30. Tryg expects to pay out around NOK 130 million.
Finans Norge and Norsk Naturskadepool have so far estimated that the natural damage compensation after the landslide disaster will be around NOK 900 million.
“Close to those affected by the accident”
“Tryg has been close to those who have been affected by the accident, and has assisted with the necessary help to those who have lost their homes and been evacuated,” Tryg’s Norwegian manager Espen Opedal noted.
Tryg acquired a total of 28,000 new customers last year, while the number of compensation claims increased by 21%.
The corona pandemic was the predominant reason for the 74% increase in travel insurance claims.
Source: #Norway Today, #NorwayTodayFinance
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