Taxi service Uber may return to Norway when the new taxi legislation comes into force next year.
In an interview with E24, Uber’s Nordic manager, Joel Järvinen, says that the company is considering a new venture in Norway.
“For us, it is important that we can operate in any market according to local requirements and regulations, and we see that the type of reform that Norway is now going to implement, and which Finland implemented last year, can do just that,” he says.
The US Taxi Brokerage Service discontinued its main business in Norway in 2017, after adopting a proposal for a violation of the Occupational Transport Act.
This summer, however, Parliament passed a liberalization of taxi regulations, which in turn could pave the way for Uber. The new law takes effect next summer.
“In the case of Norway, the law has been passed in Parliament, but it is still too early to say when and how we will return, because there are still some details about the legislation we must have clear before we can confirm the return,” says Järvinen .
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