On Tuesday, the price for gold reached its highest level in six years, and experts believe the price will remain high. Gold products receive an even higher price in Norway when the krona is weak.
On Tuesday this week, amongst fear of war between the US and Iran, falling stock prices on the Asian stock exchanges caused the gold price to rise to $ 1,610 per ounce, the highest level since February 2013.
Since mid-April last year, the price increase has been 22 percent for gold.
Treasurer and general manager of Goldsmith Heyerdahl, Thomas Heyerdahl, tells Finansavisen that the gold price increase will soon lead to much higher prices for gold jewelry and watches, also in Norway, where inventories have been sharply reduced after Christmas sales.
– “It will be considerably more expensive for goldsmith shops to fill their shelves in the New Year. As a result, customers will also have to pay more,” says Heyerdahl.
On the other hand, consumers who want to sell old gold will now be paid more than just a few months ago.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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