15 new corona cases registered in Sandefjord – more infected this year than in the whole of 2020

Photo: Gunnar Ridderström / Unsplash

So far this year, more corona cases have been registered in Sandefjord than in the whole of 2020. In the last 24 hours, 15 new cases have been registered.

With the 15 cases on Tuesday, the number of infected people in Sandefjord is 121 so far in February, while the number for the whole year is 301. 

Thus, the whaling town has more cases so far this year than it had last year. The total number in 2020 was 226, newspaper Sandefjords Blad writes.

Since the start of the pandemic, the total number of corona infection cases in the Vestfold town is 527.

Out of the 15 newly infected people, 11 have a known infection route. All the positive samples will be examined for virus mutations.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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