Family and friends took their last farewell on Thursday with 15 year old Even Warsla Meen, who lost his life in the tunnel accident at Filipstad in Oslo on the 24th of February.
The 15 year old’s funeral was held in a packed Frogner church in Oslo on Thursday.
The boy died after coming into contact with a live electrical source inside the railway tunnel. His 16 year old girlfriend and a classmate were also critically injured in the accident. They are now out of danger.
It was the 16 year old girl’s birthday on the day of the accident. She and Even Warsla Meen had baked a birthday cake together, and his family waited at home with the tacos, said the 15 year old’s mother during her speech at the church, according to NRK.
But there was no birthday celebration with tacos that day.
Both boys were students at Ruseløkka school in Oslo, while the girl is from Drammen.
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