Al-Noor Mosque and Islamic Center at Skui in Bærum opens again on Wednesday, a representative of Budstikka mosque said.
Thus, the congregation is again allowed into the mosque.
At 4.30pm on Tuesday, Crime Engineers in Police completed their investigations at the mosque where Philip Manshaus (21) on Saturday went in with weapons drawn.
After police removed the blockages, several members of the congregation arrived, according to Budstikka.
Imam Syed Muhammad Ashraf of the Al-Noor Islamic Center says it will take time before the mosque can be used as usual.
“We will have to wash away blood and clean before we can use the mosque,” he told Aftenposten.
The Imam wants further stricter security measures and wants the police to keep watch during rallies such as Friday prayer, as they did after the shooting against the synagogue in Oslo a few years ago.
It was just after 4pm on Saturday that a shooting was reported in the mosque at Skui in Bærum. However, 65-year-old Mohamed Rafiq managed to put the perpetrator to the ground and no one was seriously injured.
The terrorist and murder-minded Philip Manshaus has so far refused to be questioned. Police say Tuesday afternoon that they still want tips on murder and terrorist investigations into the aftermath.
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