IS shook the whole world when a prisoner was burned alive in 2015.The police believe that a Norwegian-Iraqi engineer participated in discussions about how the man should be killed.
On Thursday, the trial begins of the former Aker Solutions employee who was arrested at work in Bærum in 2015. The prosecutor believes the 51-year-old had been active in a jihadist online forum and had both encouraged terrorism and contributed to terrorist education in his posts .
On the other hand, the man and his defender, Brynjar Meling, believe that what had been written is not in any way punishable.
“I can not see how to convict anyone for this,” said Meling to NTB news.
Bestial killing
Central to the one point of accusation is the story of 26-year-old Jordanian airman, Muath al-Kasaesbeh, who was captured by IS after crashing in Syria in 2014. Attorney General Frederik G. Ranke said that the extremist group, IS, asked their sympathisers to make suggestions on how to best get rid of the pilot.
According to the accusation, the 51-year-old logged in to a jihadist forum on Christmas Eve 2014, either from work at Fornebu or from his residence at Lierskogen, and suggested what IS should do with the prisoner of war.
“We believe that the defendant suggested something called ‘khasok’.In short, it is a
Byzantine execution method, where the prisoner gets a spear up through the rectum and through the throat,’’ said Ranke to NTB news.
Prisoner burned alive
In court, the prosecutor will argue that the man’s participation in these discussions is a call for a terrorist act.Ranke indicated that IS used ‘’inhumane treatment’’ of the prisoner of war to help spread fear around the world.
The pilot was later burned alive, and his remains and the cage he was burned in were
driven over by a steamroller.This was an event that gained very much attention, and is one of the more bestial seen since World War II,” said Ranke.
The prosecution also believes that the engineer encouraged terror by expressing how
the mujahedin (holy warriors) should attack and threaten helicopter pilots serving the Assad regime in Syria. The accused is alleged to have done this in a post on a jihadist forum in November 2014.
© NTB scanpix / #Norway Today
Throw him out of the country. He has no good reason to be here. People like him will just be part of the downfall of Norway if we are not careful. Don’t waste any tax payers money on him…just kick him out.