Anders Behring Breivik lost his human rights case against the Norwegian state. The court concludes that atonement regime is not in the violation of human rights.
Breivik sued the state for violations of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) Article 3 on degrading and undignified treatment and Article 8 on the right to privacy and correspondence, as well as for lack of treatment of his mental vulnerability.
Court of Appeal denies that the state has violated any of these provisions in its judgment.
Breivik was sentenced to 21 years’ imprisonment in 2012 for the terrorist attacks on Utøya and the Government district on 22 July 2011, were 77 people were killed.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today
Sorry, Anders. You’ll just have to keep enjoying “The View” for your entertainment. But don’t despair, 2033 will be here before you know it!