After much talk about “flying shame”, their eyes now turn to the emissions Norwegians account for by the fact that nine out of ten choose the car when they go to the cabin.
Preliminary calculations from the Department of Transport Economics (TØI) on behalf of the Akershus County Council show that around 865,000 car trips were made to cabins of people in the Oslo area in 2018.
The calculations are based on a survey from Norstat in October and November last year, where 1,200 cabin owners residing in Oslo, Asker, Bærum, Drammen, Lier, Røyken, Ski, Ås, Oppegård, Nesodden, Frogn, Skedsmo, Lørenskog and Nittedal have responded. There are no figures for the entire country.
TØI researcher Eivind Farstad says the cabin trips clearly lead to emissions of greenhouse gases, because there is little use of electric cars for the cabins so far, and the public transport offer is quite limited. Between 90 and 100 percent choose the car.
– Some of the problem is that the cabin owners want a flexible departure time, they have to carry luggage, shop along the way and maybe also pick up people in several places on the way to the cabin, says Farstad.
It is not calculated how great the climate impact is, but Farstad refers to a national survey on holiday homes with data from 2008. One third then had up to 50 kilometers of travel to the holiday home, one third had between 51 and 150 kilometers of travel way, while the last third had at least 151 km of travel route to the cabin.
According to Statistics Norway’s survey of building stock, there are 434,809 cottages and summerhouses in Norway in 2019.
Road traffic in 2018, by the way, accounted for almost one-fifth of the total Norwegian greenhouse gas emissions.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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