Changes expected for school and kindergarten offers for children of parents who are essential workers

KindergartenPhoto: Terje Pedersen / NTB

The rule according to which children of parents who are essential workers must have an offer for their children to attend kindergarten or school even if they are closed will be tightened.

Until now, children of parents who are essential workers have been entitled to an offer even if the kindergarten or school was closed or had reduced opening hours.

However, feedback that the Norwegian government has received indicates that more people than those who had a real need for it used the offer, which created challenges with capacity.

In turn, that affected the children who were dependent on the offer. Now the rules are being specified, the government stated.


The changes mean that children of parents who are essential workers are only entitled to the offer if the parent must take care of the essential work.

The parent must also live with the child or at least have a visitation arrangement. The offer can also be reduced if only one parent is an essential worker.

The offer shall not be reduced if it leads to the parent having to be at home and not being able to perform the essential work.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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