The regional health authorities are concerned because few people who have had coronavirus receive rehabilitation.
“I worry about those who have survived a COVID-19 infection at home, without having been in contact with the health service and without having recovered afterward.
“We are a little unsure whether these patients have received an assessment of rehabilitation needs from their GP,” Jon Ivar Sørland, head of the Regional Coordinating Unit in the Southern and Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority, told newspaper VG.
A study from the University of Bergen shows that more than half of young people who have had COVID-19 have symptoms such as fatigue, memory difficulties, and concentration problems six months after the infection.
Nevertheless, few are referred to rehabilitation, Dagens Medisin, which first mentioned the case, writes. In the first three months of the year, 81 patients were referred to rehabilitation by the regional health authorities.
Sørland thinks GPs should react if they know that a patient had COVID-19.
Leader of the Norwegian Association for General Practice, Marte Kvittum Tangen, says that she is unsure how large the actual numbers are.
“Our impression is that many patients want help at home and do not need to be admitted to a rehabilitation institution. We do not know how many people this applies to or the real need for rehabilitation,” Tangen noted.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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