CokeTV felled by the MFU

CokeTVCokeTV logo. Photo: Screengrab / Youtube

Coca-Cola felled by the MFU for CokeTV

CokeTV uses instruments that particularly appeal to children.


The MFU (the Professional Committee for the Food Industry in Norway) has felled Coca-Cola Norway for violating MFU guidelines. The MFU guidelines regulate marketing activities for food and drink directed at children and youngsters. The Consumer Council filed a complaint against the Youtube channel CokeTV to for violating off the guidelines regarding children under the age of 13 and to be negligent towards teenagers aged 13-18.

Partial win

The Consumer Council’s complaint is partially adhered to. CokeTV is not clearly marked as marketing on an open YouTube channel. This contrary to MFU’s guidelines. The Committee concludes that some of the shows on CokeTV are considered as marketing particularly aimed at children.

For the group 13-18 years, the Professional Committee considers that the advertisement is not negligent, and therefore rejects that part of the complaint. The specialist committee believes it is a point of improvement by implementation of age limits for participating in competitions.

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