Crete is no longer “green” on the EU’s infection map – it could turn “orange” for Norwegians soon

CretePhoto: Konstantinos Papadopoulos / Unsplash

The European Infection Control Agency (ECDC) updated its infection map on Thursday. The Greek island of Crete is no longer “green,” among other changes.

The ECDC’s infection maps form the basis for decisions made in Norway. The National Institute of Public Health (FHI) will update its infection map on Friday. However, they make their own assessment of the European infection rates, and it is thus not a given that their maps correspond to the ECDC’s.

On Monday this week, large parts of Europe opened up to Norwegians who wanted to travel. A number of countries were marked as “green,” which means that people can travel there freely without thinking about quarantine.

However, there is a requirement to fill out a form and a testing requirement at the border upon arrival. Admittedly, this does not apply to fully vaccinated or people who have been infected with corona in the last six months.

On Thursday, the ECDC updated its infection control map, which gives an indication of what the FHI will decide on Friday.

The popular Greek island of Crete was among the areas marked “green” last week, but the island has had its status changed to “orange” on the ECDC’s updated infection control maps.

People should be prepared for rapid changes

Although it was possible to travel on holiday from this week, the Norwegian government has emphasized that the infection situation can change quickly. 

Thus, Norwegians who have traveled to Crete on holiday may risk having to be quarantined when they travel home to Norway.

“The infection situation can change quickly, and there may be other types of restrictions on the way home,” communications manager Trude Måseide in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told news bureau NTB last week.

Several “orange” regions in Norway

At the same time, several regions in Norway are considered “orange” zones, according to the infection map. Last week only Agder was “orange,” but now Trøndelag and Troms og Finnmark are also at the “orange” level. The changes may have consequences for tourists who want to travel to Norway.

There are also some changes in Norway’s neighboring countries. In Finland, the capital Helsinki and the capital region went from “green” to “orange.” 

Swedish Småland, Gotland, and Öland were “orange” last week but are now turning “green,” as is Latvia.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayTravel

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