The registered turnover of alcohol was 3 per cent lower in the first six month this year compared to the same period last year.
Reduced sales of beer and wine contributed to the decline, while there was a slight increase in spirits sales.
Compared to the same period last year, the turnover of beer and wine went down by 3.2 and 2.1 per cent respectively, according to new figures from the Statistics on alcohol sales.
The decrease of alcopops was 2.8 per cent, while the spirits had a slight increase of 0.3 per cent in the first half of 2017. Nearly 5 million liters of spirits, about 35 million litres of wine, 121 million litres of beer and almost 8 million litres of alcopops were sold in the first half of this year.
The alcohol consumption was about 3 litres pure alcohol per capita the first six month this year. Compared to the same period last year this is a decrease of 0.09 litres or 3.2 per cent.
Note that tax-free sales and tourist import are not included in this statistics.
Source: SSB / Norway Today