Over 750 churches in Norway don’t have burglar alarms. That makes up over half of the churches in the country.
“Burglary alarms should be mandatory. Very many churches have furniture with great cultural and historical value, which is also important for those who attend the church and use it,” Harald Ibenholt, section manager for church affairs at the Directorate for Cultural Heritage, told the newspaper Vårt Land.
He does not like the fact that less than half of the country’s churches have burglar alarms.
Although art and furniture could be safer in a museum building, he believes it plays an important role for churchgoers.
“A burglary alarm will have a preventive effect for those who think of burglary, and it will alarm the police and the owner if there’s a robbery so that they can act.”
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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